by dtitrader | Aug 11, 2015 | Trading Articles, Uncategorized
The Dog Days of Summer in the Market Geoffrey A. Smith, DTI’s Chief Instructor Sirius, the Dog Star (constellation Canis Major), is seen ascending in the early morning hours with the sun during the summer months. This happens during the hottest part of summer here in...
by dtitrader | Oct 30, 2014 | Trading Articles, Uncategorized
Pigskin Classic, Part 2 Geoffrey A. Smith, DTI’s Chief Instructor Back in September I wrote about Nike (NKE) and Under Armour (UA), and the effects of football season on their stock prices. (Click here for that article.). At the time, UA was trading at 71.00 and...
by dtitrader | Oct 14, 2014 | Trading Articles, Uncategorized
Another Oil Glut? Geoffrey A. Smith, DTI’s Chief Instructor In August I posted an article about the crude oil inventories and the excess crude the US is producing. At that time crude oil futures were trading around $95 a barrel. As we enter in to the last...
by dtitrader | Sep 30, 2014 | Trading Articles, Uncategorized
The Grain Elevator is Full Geoffrey A. Smith, DTI’s Chief Instructor What doesn’t have corn, wheat, or soy in it? These three grains make up the bulk of the world grain market. After peaking out a couple of years back, the grains have been declining the past...
by dtitrader | Sep 12, 2014 | Trading Articles, Uncategorized
Pigskin Classic Geoffrey A. Smith, DTI’s Chief Instructor Football season is here once again. College football started over Labor Day weekend and professional football starts a week later. With the onslaught of all the fans comes the game apparel and various...