What Does a Stimulus Check Really Cost You?

Anyone who has been investing in the markets for any substantial amount of time can tell you that the unpredictability of market moves is something that just comes with the territory. There’s a reason why so many people compare the stock market to a roller coaster. One minute you’re up and the next you’re down. It may be a corny phrase but it’s just as true today as it was when it originated. If you find yourself questioning our logic, we advise you to simply take a look at the numbers we’ve seen coming out of Wall Street over the course of the last month as proof.

Our most recent market decline, however, found itself saved by the passing of the Biden Administration’s stimulus package, but while the short-term results of this bill have proven to be positive, many are still concerned what the overall U.S. economy will look like this time next year if the U.S. government continues to print and spend money the way they have been recently.

Folks, eventually the bill will come due and when that time comes, will the U.S. Treasury have the funds to pay it? The answer to that question could mean much more to most than a $600 or $1,400 check…

We definitely have some interesting days ahead and to help prepare you for them we invite you to join our latest Ask the Pro’s roundtable as our group of market experts dive deeper into what they’re seeing in the markets today that could help you profit tomorrow.

P.S. – If you’re interested in learning more about DTI Contributing Strategist Jack Carter and what he can do for you and your investments, CLICK HERE!