by dtitrader | Aug 11, 2015 | Trading Articles, Uncategorized
The Dog Days of Summer in the Market Geoffrey A. Smith, DTI’s Chief Instructor Sirius, the Dog Star (constellation Canis Major), is seen ascending in the early morning hours with the sun during the summer months. This happens during the hottest part of summer here in...
by dtitrader | Jun 1, 2015 | Educational Trading Videos, Uncategorized
DTI’s Chief Instructor, Geof Smith, takes a look at the Emini S&P on this first day of a new month, its performance so far this year, and what you might see it do in the coming weeks. If you would like to receive DTI’s Trade of the Day in your email...
by dtitrader | Dec 13, 2012 | Trading Articles
In the world of financial futures one market stands out. If you want to find out which one, try to follow the money. Futures markets are margined products. Which means, you can control them for a fraction of their true value. If we take a look at some of the...