Folks, I’m so glad you’re here with me today because I’ve got a lot of info that you need to hear!
But before we start, let’s take a quick trip into the recent past… I want you to close your eyes (not literally if you want to keep reading…) and go back to December 31st of 2020.
Do you remember the buzz of excitement that filled the air that day? Finally, after 12 miserable months of sickness and political turmoil, we’d managed to come to the end of a difficult year with hopes that, by the next day, we’d have a fresh start with new and endless possibilities.
The moment arrives!
The countdown starts!
Music plays, confetti flies, we’ve officially entered 2021!
But through all the excitement and celebrating, the virus continues to spread, political turmoil ensues and the new day looks just as bleak as the one before. (Are you depressed enough yet?)
Our Reality…
As much as we may like to think that the passage of time means better opportunities will automatically present themselves to us, the truth is it’s up to US to make sure those opportunities become a reality. Time can only do so much without our support to back it up.
So what does this have to do with us today? Let me explain…
As we enter into a new month, hoping for new opportunities I advise you to approach the market with definite enthusiasm but reserved caution.
Remember, the market is a tricky place and nothing is absolute (the past 24 hours are evidence enough of that) but it’s in moments like these that I thank my lucky stars we have each other. That’s one of the things I love most about this job… For better or worse, I’m never alone and neither are you!
With that in mind, I ask you to join me below so that, together, we can make sure we’re all as prepared as possible for whatever obstacles time may throw our way in the days ahead…
PS: If you’d like to learn more about how DTI can help you on your journey towards financial freedom, CLICK HERE!