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Teaching the Art of Trading since 1996

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Rely on DTI for strategies for every market, whether it goes up or down.

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Tom’s Top Services

“The Race Starts at the Open, not the Close…”

At the Diversified Trading Institute (DTI), we focus on the opens. The open of the year, month, week and day are all critical to our analysis. Regardless of the time frame a trader is looking at, strength or weakness is determined from the opening pivot. That’s why it is fitting we named our marquee trade at the opening bell “The Horse Race Trade.”


Proprietary Techniques to trade markets up and down

TBUZ All-Stars

Sunday Night Planning and Live Trading on Tuesday


Option Strategies for weekly income and growth


Trading the SPY to capture short-term moves for portfolio protection

Tuesday Power Plays – TPP

Trade setups on Tuesday and exiting within 72 hours no later than Friday

Earnings Unlimited

High Probability Trading AFTER Earnings andnot “guessing” before earnings

RoadMap to the MarketUpdated every 10 minutes

Tom developed this software over 20 years ago and it is used to analyze the markets with the DTI Method. 

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