When you were a child, did you ever play a game with a friend and just when you started to win, they started changing the rules to favor themselves?
“Nuh uh… I’m not out because you were on Tommy’s team and Tommy was it and before you tagged me I called time out…”
Sound familiar?
Usually, when we see or hear stories like this, we respond with a grin and say something along the lines of “Oh well, they’re just kids…” It’s easy to brush things like this off when its just a matter of children on a playground… Well folks, this week marked the frightening day in history when those very kids grabbed their above-mentioned rulebook, stepped out of the playground and officially took over the entire school…
Dems Take a Big Step…
Wednesday, President Biden announced plans to form a committee to look into the prospects of expanding the United States Supreme Court from 9 Justices to 13. This move is a direct reaction by the Democratic party to sway the Supreme Court in their favor after they recently lost control of said court under the Trump Administration.
Do you get the similarities now?
Washington is in the middle of playing the little game they call “politics” and just when D.C. Democrats start to lose, they up and change the rules to favor themselves.
Historically, there have been 9 Justices on the Supreme Court since the 19th Century and, although the Constitution doesn’t proclaim it illegal to expand the court, there’s something to say about tradition.
The Constitution didn’t have any regulations saying a president couldn’t continue to run every 4 years and be elected for the rest of their life if they wished but the precedent – set forth by George Washington himself – was that a president would stay in office no more than 8 years or 2 consecutive terms. Washington believed a leader’s abdication after 2 terms was vital to help prevent the rise of a tyrannical leadership similar to the one we had just won our independence from.
It wasn’t until 1947 when the 22nd Amendment was added to the constitution, turning tradition into law and allowing no president the ability to lead more than 2 terms… A law written after FDR (D) decided to take it upon himself to break the 160-year-old tradition and (with the support of his followers) remain in office indefinitely. FDR is the longest serving president in United States history, holding office from the early 30’s until his death in 1945. Had the war not taken its toll on his health, who knows how long he would have planned to remain in power…
Was it right for FDR to bend the constitution in his favor, breaking tradition to remain in power indefinitely? The same can be asked about the current happenings in the Supreme Court. Though there are currently no specific laws set to keep officials from packing the court, is it right for ANY PARTY to bend the constitution in their favor, thereby breaking with tradition to keep hold of power? And if so, where does it end?!
Final Thoughts…
Ultimately, the final decision on court packing will not only have an impact on D.C. politics, but on Wall Street, Main Street and every other street in these United States.
Don’t be fooled into thinking the decisions made in D.C. don’t make their way into the markets. In the end, our government, our economy, all of it is one giant machine with several moving parts. All it takes is one-piece to break and the entire machine could start to malfunction.
Learn more about the monetary aspects of this “giant machine” and how you could use today’s knowledge to earn tomorrow’s profits by joining DTI founder and head trader Tom Busby below.
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