About DTI
CEO and Founder:
Tom Busby

Teaching the Art of Trading using a reliable and repeatable method.
Successful trading requires a process you can duplicate — regardless of market conditions.
I know because I lost nearly everything on Black Monday in October 1987.
If I was going to survive and provide for my family, I had a lot to overcome.
I did, and I’ve been teaching traders across the globe since 1996 when I opened the doors to DTI. .
About our CEO and Founder
Diversified Trading Institute (“DTI”), was founded in 1996 by Tom Busby, a professional securities trader and broker since the late 1970’s. Tom started with Merrill Lynch in 1980 and in 1984 became Vice President of Smith Barney.
Quoted and published in Active Trader magazine, Tom actively trades and invests in stocks and options. Guest appearances include CNN, First Business News, MoneyShow.com and Steve Crowley’s American Scene Radio. Recognized as one of the first educators to trade live in front of an audience, Tom authored Winning the Day Trading Game, Trade to Win, and The Markets Never Sleep.

“Every morning I know new challenges face me. I do not fear those challenges — I look forward to them. Trading generates a good living for my family and me, and it allows me to live my life on my terms.”